11/01/2023 - Graduate students in the humanities and social and behavioral sciences spent part of last summer supporting worthwhile causes: They worked with community organizations in the Urbana-Champaign area...
11/01/2023 - U of I history faculty traveled to Los Angeles for the annual meeting of the Western History Association in October 2023. Pictured here are Yuri Ramírez, Dave Beck, Bob Morrissey, Rosalyn LaPier, and...
09/26/2023 - When huge herds of bison roamed the Great Plains... Read more: https://news.illinois.edu/view/6367/859024435.
09/22/2023 - Congratulations to Professor Leslie Reagan who has received the Robert W. Schaefer Professorship in Liberal Arts & Sciences.
09/01/2023 - See who in the History Department received new ranks for 2023-2024.
08/17/2023 - Illinois public schools will be required to teach students about Native American history in the state beginning with the 2024-25 school year.
08/08/2023 - Professor Dave Beck discusses the history of Native American boarding schools in Illinois with Northern Public Radio.
06/29/2023 - An educational read by Professor Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua on Juneteenth has been published on the Library of Congress website.
04/10/2023 - Get to know the story of Palmares, an autonomous settlement founded by people escaping slavery in Brazil in the 1600s. Watch it on TEDEd: ...
04/10/2023 - History professor Yuridia Ramírez and Latina/Latino studies professor José de la Garza Valenzuela have been awarded 2023 American Council of Learned Societies Fellowships. Read more: ...
04/10/2023 - Illinois history professor Po-Shek Fu wrote about how Hong Kong media was used in a cultural cold war in Asia and the effects it had on the political and cultural environments in Hong Kong.
03/27/2023 - Five University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign professors have been named University Scholars in recognition of their excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. The award is presented by the ...
03/27/2023 - History professor Teri Chettiar wrote about how the intimate emotional life of families took on great political importance in post-WWII Britain, and emotional well-being was seen as a key factor for...
03/21/2023 - After the attempted coup of the Brazilian government last month, Marck Hertzman, associate history professor, decided that he had to change how he taught his class - HIST 405: History of Brazil - for...
03/21/2023 - From their interdisciplinary approach, Professors Eck and Burgos reexamined the baseball greats by considering their impact on the game through the lens of who, when, and how they played.